Work Group
  • 2024-25 Years 5-8 Continuity (Wolverhampton) Primary/Secondary

    Dates Wednesday 23rd October 2024 - 0900-1500 - Wolverhampton University - Science Park Wednesday 12th February 2025 - 0900-1500 - Wolverhampton University - Science Pa... Read More
  • 2024-25 Secondary Developing Teaching for Mastery Secondary

    1295/secondary-developing-teaching-for-mastery.pdf Read More
  • 2024-25 Secondary Maths Subject Leaders Secondary

    A key aim of the NCETM and Maths Hubs is to develop successful secondary maths departments that are well led, and that provide ongoing subject professional development th... Read More
  • 2024-25 Securing Foundations at Year 7 Secondary

    This project aims to support the teachers of those students in Year 7 who require additional support to secure the foundations of understanding in maths necessary to make... Read More
  • 2024-25 Specialist Knowledge for Secondary Teaching Assistants Secondary

    Dates Monday 2nd December 2024 - 0930-1500 - Venue TelfordTBC Monday 24th March 2025 - 0930-1500 - Venue Telford TBC Monday 16th June 2025 - 0930-1500 - Venue Telford... Read More
  • 2024-25 Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Secondary Early Career Teachers) - first two years of teaching Secondary

    Dates Wednesday 6th November - 0900-1500 - Venue TBC Wednesday 5th March - 0900-1500 - Venue TBC Wednesday 25th June - 0900-1500 - Venue TBC When booking, please note... Read More
  • 2024-25 Strengthening Partnerships with ITT Providers Secondary

    When booking, please note the dates and times in your diary, and submit your cover request in school. You are invited to join a Work Group that is aimed at fostering par... Read More
  • 2024-25 Sustaining Teaching for Mastery - Mathematical Thinking / Fluency with Multiplicative Reasoning Secondary

    The secondary teaching for mastery NCPs form a long-term programme for schools to develop highly effective classroom practices so all students develop a secure, deep an... Read More
  • 2024-25 Developing Pedagogy in A Level Mathematics Post 16

    When booking, please note the dates and times in your diary, and submit your cover request in school. This Work Group complements the AMSP’s wider professional developme... Read More
  • 2024-25 Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Core Maths Post 16

    It has long been recognised that maths teaching is enhanced when the teachers are confident about the subject matter. Shulman (1986) and Ball (2008) identified specialist... Read More