
2023-24 EAL and Primary Maths - Online

Monday 15 January, Monday 4 March, Monday 15 April, Monday 10 June

Workshop Dates

Workshop 1 - Monday 15th January 2024 - 1315-1530 Online

Workshop 2 - Monday 4th March 2024 - 1315-1530 Online

Workshop 3 - Monday 15th April 2024 - 1315-1530 Online

Workshop 4 - Monday 10th June 2024 - 1315-1530 Online

When booking, please note the dates and times in your diary, and submit your cover request in school.

We have developed this Work Group following requests to support further development of EAL and maths. It will support all children in classes with a high proportion of EAL pupils to develop deep knowledge, understanding and confidence to be well prepared for the secondary mathematics curriculum.

A participant from last year:

“A massive thank you to Qamar and Sandeep for their investment in the EAL and Maths Work Group with SHaW Maths Hub – it has had an impact!

Attainment for children with English as an additional language in Mathematics has significantly improved this year and now exceeds the national average attainment.”

Who will be leading the group?

Qamar Maqsood - Multicultural Development Team Leader/EAL Advisory Teacher for Telford Council, having previously been Secondary Head of Maths.

Qamar has planned and previously co-led this Work Group with Sandeep Vashist, with additional contributions from SHaW Maths Hub Assistant Maths Hub Lead Lou Hoskyns-Staples.

Graham Charles, SHaW Maths Hub Lead, will be supporting each workshop.

Who is it for?

Maths Leads and/or EAL Leads.

What are the intended outcomes?

Professional learning

  • Teachers will gain improved knowledge and understanding of specific strategies and approaches that can support the development of all pupils’ (including EAL) mathematical vocabulary and their ability to reason
  • Teachers will develop understanding of language structures (Tier 1, 2 and 3 vocabulary), representations of the mathematics and making connections

Practice development

  • Teachers will use specific approaches which will support EAL pupils to access mathematics learning (e.g. pre-teaching precise mathematical vocabulary with assigning competence or using carefully planned stem sentences)

School/department policy/approaches

  • Teachers will identify key strategies and approaches, for example the pre-teaching model, to share across their school and the impact they expect them to have
  • The impact of the specific strategies/approaches on the confidence, learning and progress of all pupils, including EAL will be monitored over time. 

Whole school/wider regional approaches

  • Findings can be shared more widely across the region and beyond with support of LADs

Pupil outcomes

  • Improved confidence and engagement of EAL pupils in maths lessons. This could be evidenced through increased verbal contributions during the lesson (oracy).
  • All pupils will develop more precise mathematical vocabulary and language
  • Improved mathematical reasoning (verbal and/or written) and ability to solve contextual problems

What will it involve?

Four Afternoon workshops (all 1.15-3.30pm) with all activity underpinned by the principles of:                            

  • developing oracy
  • language structures
  • representations of the mathematics 
  • making connections

What is the cost?

Funded by DfE so participation is free for schools

Work group full