
Primary Mixed Age - North Shropshire

Thursday 27 January, Thursday 17 February, Thursday 7 April Whixall CE Primary School, Shropshire SY13 2SB

Thursday 27th January - 0915-1145 Online

Thursday 17th February - 0915-1145 School Based or Online

Thursday 7th April - 0915-1145 School Based or Online

An opportunity to contribute to a Teacher Research Work Group to explore possible models of curriculum design for mixed age classes. Participants will share their current practice and try out alternative models in their own classrooms to analyse different approaches. 

Using the Curriculum Prioritisation and/or PD materials, participants will use a professional inquiry approach and report back to the whole group on their findings. 

Who will be leading the group?

Michael Hares

Michael is a  Primary Maths Teaching for Mastery Specialist and NCETM PD Accredited leads. Michael is also an experienced Primary Maths subject leader.

Who is it for?

Teachers currently teaching mixed age classes and using the Curriculum Prioritisation and/or PD materials for planning and teaching. Participant schools must be taking part in the Sustaining Teaching for Mastery programme. Participants are likely to be Maths Leads in school.

What are the intended outcomes?

Pupil outcomes 

  • Pupils in mixed-age classes show positive attitudes, experience well-designed lessons in the context of an effective coherent curriculum. As a result, this leads to increased numbers achieving age related. 

School/department policy/approaches 

  • Cross-school collaborations are established to facilitate collaborative curriculum design, lesson planning and sharing of effective practice. 

Practice development 

  • All teachers will plan, teach and reflect collaboratively, within school and across other settings, drawing on their deeper subject knowledge in order to provide a coherent mastery curriculum for mixed age settings. 

Professional learning 

  • All teachers in the participating schools will enhance their maths subject knowledge with an emphasis on progression within and across year groups, especially within the key areas of maths addressed by the Work Group 

What will it involve?

Workshops will take place on 27 January, 17 February and 7 April from 0915 - 1145. Workshops will be based at Whixall CE Primary School and/or online.

The workshops will involve collaborative planning using the Curriculum Prioritisation materials, and exploring current models of curriculum design from participants' own practice, research and professional guidance to refine and explore possible similar or alternative models. 

At the end of the programme, participants will contribute to a concise and accessible guide to recommendations for teachers of mixed age classes.

What is the cost?

